::  Walls  (Page 5)  ::

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Mortar: The great debate
People seem to have very differing opinions on mortar.  Some will only add mortar to foreground models, and some will add it to all models.  
So, where do I stand?  By my self apparently.    If you look at prototype buildings, some have very pronounced very white mortar and some have mortar that is so old and gray that it hardly shows up.  I like the look of mortar and will apply it to both foreground and background models, as I think it adds interest.  At the same time, for the sake of variation I will leave off the mortar on some models- even if they are foreground models.  This was the case with the station at right.  You'll simply have to decide for yourself what you think looks best and go from there.

I chose to use mortar on this building, so I'll describe how I did it.  I don't have a precise formula for mixing mortar, and I vary the color from building to building.  I use acrylics though, and will generally mix tan and light gray (or sandstone).  You only need a little paint- most of your wash will be water.  Mix up a wash and try it on a small piece of scrap wall or a small section of your building.  You'll have to go by what you think looks appropriate.  The picture at left ishows how my wash looked.  

You may also want to purposely miss a few areas for variation.  It will look horrible at first (like the picture at left), but after more weathering will look much more natural.


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