Clinics ::
I'll be posting all sorts of
clinics here in the future, so keep your eyes peeled! Feedback would be great. Let me know if you
liked/disliked a clinic, and any other thoughts that may
strike you. As always, I am looking for good ideas for upcoming
clinics- so please
email me if you have one!
:: Vines: The great cover
up. ::
Not only do
vines enhance the looks of many models, they also effectively cover up
many little imperfections. Both Sellios and Powell use them and
they are a tried and true technique. After studying Sellios'
pictures, and trying many methods on my own, I've found that there are
a few tricks that can really enhance the look of your vines....
(Added 10.31.01)
Walls: Painting and weathering ::
clinic will show the steps involved in painting and weathering the walls for
the Powell Co. These steps show how to paint, color, and weather
any brick wall.
(Added 3.02.02)