We only spent one day out away from the resort and since it was a special day we took a day trip to Xel-Ha (pronounced: shell hA) and the Mayan ruins of Tulum. Above is Xel-Ha, which is like a natural eco-friendly water park.  It was beautiful and we had lots of fun snorkeling and getting sunburns because their eco-friendly sunblock is a hoax.  

More Xel-Ha and then we switch over to Tulum. Tulum was a Mayan port city that eventually perished because of class warfare.  It was either that or they just ran out of people to sacrifice - I can't remember which.  Anyway, the ruins are interesting.

The city is inside a stone fence.  You could call it a "border fence" I suppose except they weren't keeping illegals out, they were keeping the lower class out.  The Priests and upper class lived inside the fence. Our nationalistic tour guide pointed out that along with being very advanced, the Mayans were peaceful and only practiced self-sacrifice.  Then the Aztecs conquered them (so I guess their advanced culture made them soft. Or they were advanced in things other than warfare.)  

The ruins show the Mayans' architectural knowledge - or so I was told, even though I didn't see one Starbucks or a drive thru anywhere.  They also had developed their own calendar, which helped them forecast eclipses and seasons, but apparently didn't mention anything about their impending doom. 

Here are some close ups.  The second and third picture are of their religious building.  The last picture is of a crazy cholo who was just hanging out looking for a bathroom.

I didn't find a bathroom, but I found this cutie.  The third picture is of me, after being in the sun too long with Xel-Ha's crappy "sun block."

If I can say anything about the Mayans, it was that they could pick a good location to build a trade city.  I know that's kind of dictated by where there's a gap in the reef (which is the second largest), but still, the view is nice.  I can only imagine being led up to the top of the temple to be sacrificed - how relaxed I'd be because of the killer view.  Yes, I said killer.  


:: All contents copyright 2007 Matt Gidley  ::