Well, as you would  probably guess, I've been all around the web and seen some really cool stuff- and some  really pathetic stuff.  For now, I'll stick to the cool stuff.....   I've tried to categorize the links and they *should* all be working.  These are the select few....  Enjoy yourself.  

Best of the web- MCG Style
Gravity Crush
The official band website- dig it....
Doc Ozone
Genius/ lunatic- I learned all I know from Ozones graphics
Official site for neoclassical shredder Yngwie Malmsteen
Jasc Software
Makers of Paint Shop Pro 7- what I used for all of the graphics on this site

Personal Sites that I've Produced
Gravity Crush Tribute
My tribute site for NE Iowa's best pop/rock band
Zakk Wylde Tribute
My tribute site for the heaviest shredder ever

Commercial sites that I've Produced   (Hey, a little self promotion never hurt anyone...)
Rainbow Kitchen Products
 Yahoo! Store
main RDI portal
RD Products
Consumer sub-site for RDI
RDI Reference
Reference library sub-site for RDI
RDI Corporate
Main corporate info site for RDI

               :: All Contents Copyright Surreal Studios 2007 ::                                     :: Site Design By: Matt Gidley ::

        ... Brewed Fresh!  ...