Early December KWOF brought in the Adoration tour - Newsboys, Rebecca St. James and Todd Agnew.  Pam headed things up in general, Jack headed security, my brother was a roadie and security guy, and I did security and ran the guys around all day.  I got to hang with Phil Joel and Billy Buchanan of Fusebox.  Very cool guys and I even learned something along the way!  Look for big things from Phil; he's a driven man.  Anyway, despite being there from 8:15 am to 2am it was a great time.  My bro and I ended up guarding Rebecca for the latter part of the night; you don't get to do that everyday. Anyway, here are some pics.

Click the thumbnails for larger pictures.  All images are copyrighted and are not to be used without expressed consent.

The finished stage Jack at stage right Chris and Phil Joel Monitor mixer Plethora of guitars

Rebecca and Pam Rebecca Rebecca More Rebecca Nice lights

 Rebecca's keyman  More Rebecca  Cool spots    Newsboys

 Phil glowing...  Becca + Todd Agnew  Ditto  Newsboys Cool lights

 Newsboys  Rebecca w/Newsboys Newsboys  Rebecca w/Newsboys


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